Below is a list of meeting dates and competition dates for 2025. You can also see our calendar for other dates, times, and events.
Wed 12th Introductory night to the Ashburton Photographic Society Speaker - Shirley Harris - trip to Antarctica
Sun 16th Field Trip – Trott's Garden Racecourse Road
Wed 26th Open Learning Night – Practical sessions for Advanced and Learners Entries: 1st Open
Wed 12th Guest Speaker - Grant Beedie Macro Photography
Sat 15th Field Trip - Ashburton Domain with Grant Beedie Wed 26th Results: 1st Open Entries: Landscape
Wed 9th Photojournalism - How to title images for competitions
Sun 13th Field Trip - Mt Potts or Ashburton Lakes
Wed 23rd Results: Landscape Entries: Photojournalism
Wed 14th Workshop - learning session
Sat 17th Field Trip - Farm trip TBA
Wed 28th Results: Photojournalism Entries: 2nd Open
Wed 11th Learning Night - Astro Photography
Fri 20th- Weekend Field Trip Sun 22nd Hanmer Springs Wed 25th Results: 2nd Open Entries: Set Subject - Macro or Closeup
Wed 9th Practical Learning - Astro Photography
Sat 19th Field Trip – TBA Indoor workshop
Wed 23rd Results: Set Subject Entries: Natural History
Wed 13th Practical Learning Night - Table top photography
Sun 24th Field Trip – Margaret’s Quiz Vintage Car Club, Daffodil Day
Wed 27th Results: Natural History Entries: Portrait
Wed 10th Triptych Competition - in house Margaret's Quiz - in house Entries: 3rd Open
Sat 20th Field Trip - Methven Fairy Walkway and surroundings
Wed 24th Results: Portrait
Wed 8th Results: 3rd Open
Sun 12th Field Trip - TBC Combined with Geraldine Photography
Wed 22nd Annual General Meeting Anderson Set of Three - in house
Wed 12th Members Night Field Trip Competition - in house
Sat 15th Field Trip - TBC
Wed 26th Final Night Presentation of Trophies & Awards Supper plate please
Judges, Speakers and Field Trips
Please refer to your newsletter during the year for further information on Programmes and Field Trips. These have been arranged but not confirmed at the time of printing this programme.
2025 Competitions
All competitions have a maximum entry of 2 digital images and 2 prints.
Please refer to the competition guidelines that outline the exact requirements. Entries that do not comply will not be eligible for competitions. Membership must be paid prior to entering competitions.
Adult fee $70.00 reduced to $65.00 if paid before
31st March 2025
Couples $100.00
Junior (18 years or under) $15.00
Bank Account
Meetings are held at the Senior Centre, 206 Cameron Street,
on the 2nd and 4th Wednesday each month at 7.30pm.
Contact Members
Nel Davison: 027 241 5966
Gaylene Smith: 021 186 5261
Patron Suzanne Watson
Honorary Life Members Muriel Lay, Clarrie Brake and John McIntosh
President Jo Naylor
Secretary Gaylene Smith
Treasurer Angela Keating
Competition Secretary Paul Allen
Committee Gaynor Hurst, Jude Box, Bill Cabout, Carol Efford, Rebecca Guyton and Anne Whitehead
Facebook Ashburton Photographic Society NZ

Top Print 2023 “To the Water” by Sean McQuillan

Top Digital Image 2023 “Asian Paper Wasp” by Bill Cabout